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How To Update PUMP Firmware

What's Needed?

  • PUMP Module
  • USB-A to USB-B Cable
  • Mac or Windows Computer
  • PUMP Updater (Download links below)

What's My Firmware?

Firmware version will always be notated here on the PCB.

PUMP Updater (Mac)

PUMP Updater (Windows)

Step 1: Download Latest Firmware - v3.01

The latest firmware version is always included in the download links above.

All firmware versions can be downloaded here:

Download includes:

  • PUMP Updater (i.e. “PUMP Updater.exe”)
  • PUMP Firmware File (i.e. “pump3.01.hex”)

Step 2: Plug USB cable into Computer

Step 3: While holding Bypass (BYP) button, plug USB cable into PUMP

The BAD and AtMod LEDs will be lit to show that PUMP is in Bootloader Mode.

Step 4: Open PUMP Updater

Click "More info"
Click "Run anyway"
Click "OK"
Open "Security & Privacy" settings in System Preferences, then click "Open Anyway"
Click "Open"

Step 5: Click "Open File" and select PUMP Firmware File

Step 6: Select PUMP from Device Dropdown Menu (Port Options)

Step 7: Press "Start" and wait!

Upon completion, PUMP will automatically boot up with the installed firmware.


PUMP doesn’t enter Bootloader Mode:

– Unplug USB cable from PUMP and make sure no buttons are stuck.

– Hold down Bypass (BYP) and plug USB cable into PUMP

– BAD and AtMod LEDs should light to indicate Bootloader Mode

– If problem persists, please reach out to for assistance.

PUMP doesn’t show up in Device List:

– Double check that PUMP is in Bootloader mode (BAD and AtMod LEDs are lit)

– Press “Refresh” in PUMP Updater

– If PUMP still does not show up, repeat from step 3

– If problem persists, please reach out to for assistance.

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